Washington Post
January 4, 2007
Parishioners of the The Falls Church and neighboring Truro Church -- which in Colonial times belonged to a single parish -- say it happens quietly, unobtrusively: As the sick make their way to the altar, some worshipers begin speaking in tongues. Occasionally, one is "arrested in the spirit," falling unconscious into the arms of a fellow congregant.
Dean Miller, pastor of the young adult ministry at The Falls Church, said some members also have "visions of the Lord" during healing services. "I don't. I'm not gifted that way. But there are people in the community who do," he said.
For more than 30 years, Truro and The Falls Church have been part of a "charismatic revival" within mainline Protestantism, said the Rev. Robert W. Prichard, professor of Christianity in America at the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria.
Charismatic, in this case, refers to an ecstatic style of worship that includes speaking in tongues, a stream of unintelligible syllables signifying that the Holy Spirit has entered the worshiper. It is a hallmark of the fast-growing Pentecostal movement but unusual for Episcopalians, who are so thoroughly associated with solemnity and tradition that they are sometimes referred to teasingly as "the frozen chosen."
The Falls Church are two of the Washington area's most wealthy, historic and prestigious congregations. Their pews are studded on Sunday mornings with such regulars as Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and former CIA director Porter J. Goss.
Also called "Slain in the spirit"...of course, it's never happened to me but I've seen some people fake it. Watch TV and some Tele-Tub-Evangelist will touch their heads and they fall backwards..."Slain in the spirit", with the toucher garbling strange words like so-lo-co-mo-to-vi-tah. It's a "real invigorating" experience for the "newbies"!
I have been "slain in the Spirit" a handful of times in different Episcopal churches (charismatic). I can describe it best as being in total peace. I think the "arresting/slain" part is because the human body is so overwhelmed by the presence of God and we're just not used to it. I'm no better than anyone else I do think that some people do fake it. I can tell you I fought it several times. You have to really let go and trust God to receive this blessing. There's always the fear that you will look stupid! Or faking it!!!
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