November 08, 2006

Nancy Pelosi's Tough New Rules
November 8, 2006

No House member may accept any gift of any value from lobbyists, or any firm or association that hires lobbyists. No free travel.

House members will no longer be able to slip in special-interest projects on unrelated legislation. Further, all bills will be made available to the public a full 24 hours before a final vote.

Under the Pelosi rules, lobbyists will no longer be able to use the House gym (you'd be surprised how much gets negotiated in a sauna). Lobbyists will no longer be allowed onto the House floor or to use the cloakrooms just off the floor, preventing last-minute arm-twisting.

What's more, no member or staffer will be able to negotiate for employment in the public sector without disclosing such contacts to the House Ethics Committee, and within three days of such contact being made.

Finally, all of this will be audited and investigated by a new Office of Public Integrity, and that office reports, directly and only, to the U.S. Attorneys Office. [Read More]

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